
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

An essay on different genres including the Ghost genre and the Fantasy

An essay on different music genres including the sense of touch genre and the charming& Adventure genreI every(prenominal)ow elect two completely different genres to base my essay on.Firstly, I have the mysterious and gripping Ghost Genre the books Ihave canvass atomic number 18 The Woman in Black, The Langoliers and the spooky pic, The Others. The second genre is Fantasy & Adventure. The bookI am studying is Lirael, a young book written by Australian authorGarth Nix. The Lord of the go The Fellowship of The Ring,directed by Peter Jackson is the film that I am analysing.There are many, definite trends to ghost stories, no matter what thenovel is about. They are entirely usually set in remote areas and are abouthaunting. Death is usually common in shivery stories also. Dense fogcreates mysteriousness in the ghost genre and scary stories. It is notjust used in books, but is a obsess trick displayed in films.The Langoliers is a gripping novel about a flight from L.A. to Bost on,where the passengers somehow disappear when the plane is caught in amagazine warp, and pilot Brian Engle is left on his own, attempting toland the stray flight.Brian peered out of the cockpit window. Outside, all that was visiblewere peaks of the Rocky Mountains, which were engulfed in a dense,dark fog.The above recite is used by writer Stephen King to make the reader desire that the plane is now completely lost as the pilot cannot understandany landmarks to pinpoint where he isIn the film The Others mist is endlessly used when snapshots ofthe outside of the house are shown to create an eerie atmosphere. This whole kit very well as it looks like the mansion is in the pith ofnowhere and that the inhabitants are trapped inside, because if... ...the L.O.T.R. Merry and Pippin (twohobbits) are captured, Boromir is slain by an Orc and Frodo and Samleave and decide to complete their task alone.In Lirael Sameth realizes that his fellow Nicholas has been capturedby Hedge and sets of f to find him, ending the book on a cliff-hangerI have found that, like Ghost stories, the Fantasy Genre has certaintrends too. There are two sides, good and evil, the important charactersare usually on quests and have a companion, and the weather matchesthe way of people involved in the story. Also, in both Lirael ofcourse the L.O.T.R. magic is used frequently. Train of thought isnot used often though as so much is happening in the novel.To summarise although all stories within a certain Genre are totallycontrasting, they are similar in their sentence structure, characters,and of course storyline.

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